G’Day. Australia is a unique country and not just for its culture, different foods and indigenous animals. There is the Australian Slang to master. So here we go, here is a list of 90 of my favourite slang words to help you understand the Australian lingo, so you won’t look like a drongo in ya budgie smugglers on a hot arvo listening to accadacca – while enjoying a cold one at a dinky-di barbie! Yes!
Accadacca | The Australian band AC/DC |
Ankle biter | Child |
ang on | Wait a minute |
Arvo | Afternoon |
Aussie | Australian |
avago | have a go |
Banana bender | A person from Queensland |
Barbie | Barbecue |
Back of Bourke | In a remote area |
Blowie | Blow fly |
Bloke | Male person |
Bludger | Lazy person |
Blue heeler | Police officer or cattle dog |
Bogan | Redneck/uncouth person |
Bonza | Good, great, like a bonza bloke |
Booze bus | Police breath testing unit |
(you’ve got) Buckley’s | You’ve got no chance |
Budgie smugglers | Male swimmers |
(I’m) bushed | I’m tired |
BYO/G | Bring your own/grog |
Choc a bloc | Full |
Chook | Chicken |
Chuck a U-ee | Do a U-turn |
Chunder/chuck/spew | Vomit |
Clobber | Clothes |
Crikey | Surprise expression |
Cocky | Ffarmer, or cockatoo (bird) |
Cold one | Cold beer |
Come a cropper | Have an accident |
Cooee | Bush call |
Cossie | Bathing costume |
Dag | Unfashionable person, nerd or geek |
Daks/strides | Trousers |
Dead set | Genuine |
Derro | Tramp/homeless person |
Digger/s | ustralian soldier/s |
Dinky-di | Genuine |
Doona | Duvet |
Down Under | Australia |
Drongo | Idiot, fool |
Dunny/loo | Toilet |
Earbash | Talk a lot |
Esky | Portable cooling box |
Fair crack of the whip | Fair go |
Fair dinkum | Really, truly, genuinely |
Fair go | A reasonable chance |
Ferals | People living ‘at one’ with nature |
Footy | Football |
Fremantle Doctor | Sea breeze in Perth |
Galah | A bird, or a loud, noisy person |
Goodonya | Good work |
Grog/plonk/booze/piss | Alcohol |
G’day | Hello |
Had a gut full | Had enough |
Legless | Really drunk |
Maccas | Mcdonalds |
Map of Tassie | Lady ‘bits’ |
Mate | Good friend |
Middie | Medium-sized glass of beer |
Mozzie | Mosquito |
Mug | Fool |
No worries | No problem |
Outback | Interior of australia |
Pokies | Poker machines |
Prang | Minor car accident |
Sandgroper | Someone from Western Australia |
Sangers | Sandwiches |
Schooner | Large glass of beer |
Sheila | Female |
Sickle | Take time off work when not sick |
Slab | Carton of beer |
Smoko | Break from work to have a smoke |
Snag | Sausage |
Spit the dummy | Tantrum |
Spunky | Good looking |
Straya | Australia |
Strewth | Gee whiz |
Stubby | Bottle of beer |
Swag | Ssingle roll up bed to take travelling |
Thongs | Flip flops – shoes |
Tinnie | Can of beer |
True blue | Genuine |
Tucker | Food |
Two-up | Illegal gambling game only played ANZAC Day |
Wag | Play truant |
Wally | Idiot |
Gone walkabout | Disappear for a while |
Woop Woop | Middle of nowhere |
(Hard) Yakka | hard work |
Yobbo | Uncultured person |
So there you have it, my list of Australian slang with 90 of my favourites. I am sure there are more out there so feel free to drop me a line in the comments below and I will add them to my list.